We take a look at the stats of the 12 Cowboys contracted players who played in the opening round of the Queensland Cup this past weekend.
Tom Gilbert (Townsville Blackhawks) v Ipswich Jets
58 mins, 1 try, 17 runs, 170 metres, 59 post-contact metres, 1 line break, 40 tackles
Carlin Anderson (Mackay Cutters) v Easts Tigers
68 mins, 1 conversion, 14 runs, 115 metres, 20 post-contact metres
Dan Russell (Mackay Cutters) v Easts Tigers
80 mins, 11 runs, 122 metres, 56 post-contact metres, 14 tackles
Emry Pere (Mackay Cutters) v Easts Tigers
42 mins, 7 runs, 58 metres, 18 tackles
Reuben Cotter (Mackay Cutters) v Easts Tigers
50 mins, 8 runs, 75 metres, 4 tackle breaks, 25 tackles
Shane Wright (Mackay Cutters) v Easts Tigers
80 mins, 14 runs, 134 metres, 56 post-contact metres, 24 tackles
Logan Bayliss-Brow (Mackay Cutters) v Easts Tigers
34 mins, 4 runs, 39 metres, 17 tackles
Nene Macdonald (Northern Pride) v Redcliffe Dolphins
80 mins, 1 try, 16 runs, 239 metres, 57 post-contact metres, 4 tackle breaks,
Enari Tuala (Northern Pride) v Redcliffe Dolphins
80 mins, 11 runs, 100 metres, 46 post-contact metres, 5 tackle breaks
Gideon Gela-Mosby (Northern Pride) v Redcliffe Dolphins
80 mins, 1 try, 1 line break, 7 runs, 57 metres
Jake Clifford (Northern Pride) v Redcliffe Dolphins
80 mins, 3 goals, 13 runs, 59 metres, 2 tackle breaks, 13 tackles
Peter Hola (Northern Pride) v Redcliffe Dolphins
80 mins, 13 runs, 148 metres, 51 post-contact metres, 3 tackle breaks, 25 tackles